No word captures the buzz of the advertising world more than the C word. Visit any agency's website, and you’ll see the word thrown about — each professing to have their own unique approach. Yet, from a client’s perspective, what does true creativity really mean?
Here at Wild, we approach problem solving from the lens of our clients and their target audience, tackling problems from root to tip. To share more about the creative process, who better to hear it from than our very own Managing Director, Yeo Ai Ling and Creative Director, Joan Lim?
Can you describe the “Wild Way” in 3 words?
If it has to be just three words, we would both agree on Intent, Incubate, Initiate.
The first thing we do when starting on a new project for our clients is to understand what fuels their audience, how they are motivated and what challenges they face — always driven by data to unlock their intent. We make sense of the data by mapping out micro moments and distilling their motivations behind each purchase in order to find what resonates with them deeply on a social and emotional level, and create authentic conversations. For example, when marketing a brand of milk powder for our client, it’s not just about listing the benefits of the milk powder, but to engage with content that empathises with their challenges as mums – be it having severe mum guilt or FOMO.
Next would be the idea incubation stage. It’s at this point where both client servicing and creative teams debate and ideate together (no holds barred, but always with mutual respect) to conjure up content directions that create magic for the brand. We believe in always being in close dialogue with our clients, to push boundaries and take the leap of faith together — to go from choosing the familiar to choosing an idea that sparks a special feeling with their audience, compelling them to engage with the brand. Simple right 😊?
Well… at least we try to make it look simple haha. To add on, I’d say the Wild Way is all about coming up with ideas that breathe. Ideas that take a life of their own, that are chatter-worthy, and most importantly, that breathe new life into our client’s business strategy or branding needs. Ultimately we would love to build a brand that grows with you, listens to you, and stands by you.
Exactly, a good idea should stand on its own, and be able to initiate conversations. We constantly ask ourselves this question, “why the heck would anyone want to follow a brand on social media when they have three million other accounts to follow?” In the age of value creation, the content brands create must have a clear purpose and shared value with their audience, whether it is just a static post, trend jack or a video!
How do you use “The Wild Way” to tackle the problems?
We pride ourselves on being very good listeners, as listening is the glue that ties the 3 keywords. It’s through listening that we discern intent, surface insights, build a conversation and from there, a partnership. At every stage, we make it a priority to listen to what you say and what you’re not saying, so that we can serve up the best solutions.
That’s true, we’re all ears! Being consumer obsessed, we’re always attuned to their motivations. There’s really no cookie cutter way to tackle problems at Wild. Instead, it’s about keeping our ears to the ground to tap into consumer insights. For example, when we launched a Youth Bank for an established bank, our client had invested heavily on brick and mortar branches as well as customer service personnel. Listening closely to our insights and target audience, we gathered that this wouldn't’ fly with digital natives who’d likely not step into a bank branch if they could help it. In the end, we convinced the client to shift their business and communication emphasis to digital channels instead and this proved to be a game changer for them!
So… What kind of client will benefit from the work that Wild does?
Any client will benefit from the work we do for them, lol. But seriously – it would be clients who understand that truly effective creative solutions will give you that extra ROI in your marketing and business goals.
I agree that any client can benefit, but definitely clients who are open to pushing boundaries with us stand to benefit more.
Do you have anything to say to clients (existing and potential)?
Any problem can be solved with creativity. Try us.
Besides “come talk to us and try us out, you won’t regret it”, I’d say “don’t underestimate your consumer with work that’s just… ‘blah’, they’re more intelligent than you think”.
So, go ahead. Drop us a line at [email protected], and have a taste of Creativity, the WILD way.