The Challenge
Finding MSIG’s voice among the insurance giants
Insurance is usually tied to life and death. Yet people give much less thought about the smaller yet significant aspects of life that need coverage — like their home, travel, and pets.
As one of the few insurers specialising in lifestyle insurance, MSIG faces the uphill task of positioning its brand in a competitive landscape.
But therein lies a clear advantage — a chance for MSIG to remind our target audience that the little things in life aren’t too small. They deserve quality protection too.
MSIG empathises with your #RealSmallProblems
A lost luggage mid-flight. A burst pipe under the sink. A dent on the bumper. They may be small inconveniences in the grand scheme of things, but they are no less significant nor real. These #RealSmallProblems, when left unattended, can greatly compromise the quality of our lives –– God forbids if that happens.
In an age of trending #FirstWorldProblems, we conceived the concept of #RealSmallProblems to launch MSIG’s Instagram. While the big boys zero in on providing protection from the big problems, MSIG chooses to pay careful attention to the small (less deadly but definitely painful) ones.
Through humorous and witty scenarios, MSIG keeps our target audience amused and entertained, as we relate to their daily pains with content that “stick'' and cut through the clutter. This concept allows MSIG to establish itself as an empathetic and highly relatable brand that is in touch with the daily ins and outs of life, and what matters to people.