The Challenge
Beat the biases that get in the way of job opportunities
Despite the implementation of employment programmes and the MyCareersFuture job portal, Workforce Singapore (WSG) still faces the unique challenge of providing support to those affected by the economic slowdown.
Whilst interviewing Rank-and-File (RnF) workers — our target group — we uncovered a unique insight, which revealed that jobseekers prefer to rely on their own resourcefulness and look for jobs on informal channels such as WhatsApp chat groups and Carousell.
With this insight, how can WSG overcome preconceived biases and reach out to RnF jobseekers positively?
Infiltrating Carousell to reach RnF jobseekers
Our insight led us to an unconventional yet effective campaign on Carousell that leverages jobseekers’ behaviour. Working closely with Carousell’s business development team, we infiltrated the platform to make our “ads” look like regular Carousell job listings.
We led with job opportunities through strategic copywriting and SEO marketing. When people searched related keywords, our “ads” would pop up as a search result, leading people to WSG’s job portal or related programmes.
In less than 5 weeks, we achieved our KPIs and drove a significant number of actual job applications on MyCareerFuture website.
We exceeded the expected number of applications by nearly 10%, achieved 1% more the average CTRs on Carousell, and gained 14 million impressions.
The pilot is so successful that Carousell has continued to be a key channel for WSG to promote their programmes for more than 2 years.